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Undoor 2021 Year in Review

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We've had a great year here at Undoor, and hope you did as well!

Here are the highlights of what we've accomplished in 2021, as well as some of the things we are working on in the future.

2021 was a busy year for Undoor.

Things weren't easy. But with a lot of hard work, consistency, and daily discipline, we can call this year a success.

Undoor 2021 Year In Review

Here's a review of 2021 highlights and Undoor's numbers

  • Officially launched Undoor!

  • Started our online presence (links below)

  • Started the Undoor weekly newsletter

  • Helped 12 people to start building wealth and passive income by helping them get their first or next rental income property.

  • Offers extended: 25

  • Properties added to our portfolio: 7

  • Refinances: 3

  • Cosmetic rehabs: 2

  • Medium-size rehabs: 1

  • Properties sold: 1

  • Properties still under contract (🤞): 1

  • Portfolio projected cash-on-cash returns (proforma): 8.5%

  • Portfolio actual cash-on-cash returns: 10%

What We're Working on in the Future

Looking ahead, we have a few significant updates planned for the future.

In the near term, we will continue to create edutanaing content for our blog and newsletter. We will focus on providing value targeted explicitly to those who want to get started on their path towards passive income and financial freedom through real estate.

Further down the road, we plan to add video content and step-by-step guides that people can follow to replicate what we do here at Undoor for our success.

Additionally, we will be providing access to more of the tools we have built and use to identify, acquire, and manage our properties. We will also be expanding our one-on-one coaching and mastermind programs.

On behalf of our team, we wish you a very Happy New Year and hope 2022 brings you much joy, happiness, wealth, and passive income! 🎉

Now, let's make 2022 an even bigger success!

The Undoor Team - 🏠

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