Coaching & Learning
We are passionate about helping others. We are passionate about helping people with their housing needs. We are passionate about helping others who are looking to get started in real estate investing. While we believe there is not “one size fits all” when it comes to real estate investing, we do think the content herein is a great starting point for those who do not have hours to spare doing the research to get started.
If you are interested in more personalized one-on-one coaching in English or French, please reach out to us using the Contact Us form and join our Private Facebook Group below.
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Learn More About These Topics with our Blog Posts
There are a plethora of books on Real Estate Investing, Business Development, and Personal Development out there. These are the ones that helped us getting started:
Rich Dad Poor Dad - getting your mindset right and shifting your thinking to getting your money to work for me.
One Rental at a Time - how anybody with a W2 job can get to financial and time independence.
The Book on Real Estate Investing - understanding what real estate investing is.
Profit Like the Pros - motivational and inspirational stories of the endless possibilities to get great real estate deals.
Online Courses.
Just like books, there are an infinite number of online courses, coaches, and “gurus”. They vary from free to tens of thousands of dollars. We believe these are the only ones that truly provide value to people getting started, without breaking the bank:
Tools & Other Resources.
These are our favorite tools and other resources. We use them every day, for every day. Of course, there are a ton more out there, but these do the trick, they are simple, often free, and easy to use. for portfolio management and tracking rent and expenses. - analyze any deal, quickly easily. Pull comps for property value as well as rents, find current owners. Use promo code UNDOOR for 20% off.
Remote Real Estate Investor podcast - covers everything you need to know about real estate investing.
One Rental at a Time YouTube channel for daily real estate investing news, expert discussions, recommendations, and more.